I’ve told my “becoming a parent story” many times since 2005 but since I’m new here and the only female writer at Dadnabbit, I suppose I owe you some sort of introduction.
Whatever. I don’t owe you anything.
I kid! Of course I want to tell you all about my experiences changing diapers and having conversations with imaginary friends and how I’m desperately trying to get back into the 9-5 world. Hey, never said I wasn’t a little crazy. But man, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
I’m a Pennsylvania native (Steeler country). I grew up with seven older brothers, a dad and a mom. Growing up, I had to be somewhat tough and tom-boyish, which suited me just fine. I rather liked riding my bike around town with my brother, in search of pop cans for recycling. Hey, it was money in my pocket! You see, I was an entrepreneur from a very young age.
My husband and I have lived in the Chicago suburbs for a decade and a half.
We spend a good portion of our time within the city limits. If money grew on trees, we’d probably live there. Hell, if money grew on trees, we’d live everywhere on the face of the earth and quite possibly, on the Death Star if Congress decides to revisit that petition and go ahead with it. A girl can dream.
We have two young daughters, preschool and gradeschool age. We’re trying to raise them to be good, strong-minded and creative individuals. The day that either of them asks me if they can join the cheerleading squad will be the day that I start digging my own grave.
Of course, I will support and encourage my daughters in whatever walk of life they choose but cheerleading…
cheerleading is kind of a deal-breaker for me.
Now that you know the Reader’s Digest version of my life, we can get into the meat and potatoes. I have been on the job hunt for the better part of the last four months. It’s not as easy as it used to be. I used to be able to interview for a few jobs at a time with at least two offers thrown my way. Now, I’m lucky if I can even score that in-person interview. In my opinion, not working a steady 9-5 job for the past seven years has something to do with it. It looks bad on paper. However, I’ve taken it upon myself to test the entrepreneurial waters during that time. That’s got to be good for something, right? Well, I always thought so. “Stay-at-home mom keeps active and busy while raising two children. She’s just as good or better than those fresh from college faces, give her a chance!” That’s what I feel like I have to put in bold print at the top of my resume. It’s rough getting noticed in this digital age. There is some serious competition out there. I mean, do I have to have one eye and wear a pair of bib overalls to get noticed?
This is what I’m into right now. I’ve been spending my days networking and applying for jobs from the comfort of my home, as my youngest daughter dresses me up like a princess and invites me to tea parties with her imaginary friends. Look, I’m not complaining. I most certainly enjoy imaginary tea (specifically berry-flavored) and plastic cookies but I do often wonder how much longer it will be until someone thinks I’m marketable again. So, that’s what you’ll find me chatting about here at Dadnabbit. Trying to make some big changes in the home/work life balance and also incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits. Lots of transitions happening these days. Hope you’ll come back and check in on me, just in case I talk about going on an interview in a princess gown.
Until next time, one lump or two?